A letter from Trappist nuns from Azeir, Syria, August 29, 2013
Please forgive me if you do not think that religion and politics should be mentioned in the same breath. But many Christians in Egypt are in dire straights, and many others called by His name have been affected by the escalating warfare in Syria. Their perspective is important. The link below will send you to a letter written by Trappist nuns who are in the middle of the violence.
http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2013/09/a-letter-from-trappist-nuns-in-syria-blood-fills-our-streets-our-eyes-our-hearts.html#more (taken from Atlasshrugs website, 9-7-13)
Pray for wisdom and conviction to do what is right for both our leaders and other international leaders who have a say in the whole scenario; pray, also, for the Lord to cover all those called by His name with His precious blood and to protect them with majestic signs and wonders.
Pray for us that we don’t allow our comforts to lull us into prayerlessness; pray that we will no longer find contentment in being unaware of what our brethren are dealing with across the globe. Indeed, the nuns themselves closed their letter with these words:
To those who truly have a heart for Syria (for mankind, for truth…) we ask for prayer…abounding, heartfelt, courageous prayer.
There’s no way I could have said it any better.
Here’s another perspective, an Israeli one. I think I’ll be spending the day on Wednesday, September 11, in prayer. If you can, pray throughout the day, also.
The link is from an email sent out in the early hours of 9-8-13 by USPRN and includes a letter from an Israeli. http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=2c8533b164a12dac690d3544f&id=ccc295c53c&e=1124e96f98
We are called to pray, even (and especially!) for dire situations such as this in which we can’t determine direction with our natural mind. But we have a God in Heaven who hears us and who will intervene and show Himself strong if we will but ask! PRAY!