Examine everything
“…But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good…” 1 Thessalonians 5:21, NASB
“…On the other hand, don’t be gullible. Check out everything, and keep only what’s good. Throw out anything tainted with evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22, Message Bible
“Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.” Franklin D. Roosevelt, radio address, October 26, 1939
Here are a few snares that can blindside a believer due to the fast pace of our culture and the inordinate amount of information being thrown at us on a continual basis:
- It’s so much easier to go with the flow of popular opinion, because really trying to understand an issue takes too much time…
- And there is safety in popular opinion. If everyone else feels a certain way, then it’s a good bet that they are right. After all, isn’t the majority always right…usually…?
- And even if the majority isn’t right on something, it couldn’t hurt too much to go along with everyone else, could it? After all, I do have my reputation to consider…
One thing that will likely happen to you when you pray for the nation according to the Word of God is that you will find the need to examine some uncomfortable issues. You may discover as you read the Word, pray, and learn about issues that certain things are not as they appear to be. You will probably notice some falsehoods and twisted truths being reported and accepted as fact by a huge segment of society. Don’t be alarmed; the Bible warns us that this will happen and gives us the tools to discern between good and evil, lies and truth. Your job is to make sure that you always use God’s Word as your bottom line.
If you discover that you have stumbled upon a lie that is being embraced on a large scale as truth, then that is probably one of your prayer assignments. Seek God to bring truth to light in the hearts and minds of the people and ask Him to equip and protect those that He has chosen to step out on the world’s stage on behalf of this truth.
Don’t think that your prayer part is small potatoes. Your prayers for this nation are secret weapons, hidden from prying eyes, used to right wrongs and to turn lies on their heads. Your prayers are used by God to empower those He calls to confront lies on every level, granting them wisdom, timing, discernment, and effectiveness. Without your prayers and those of others, even the boldest of the bold and the brightest of the bright will be easy pickings for those of darker motives. But with your prayers, God can bring forth His champions.
And His champions in the natural realm cannot fully complete their tasks unless His champions in the prayer realm arise first and take their place. Arise, champion.