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Taking a respite

Hi! With the events still unfolding in my neighboring town of Ferguson and my commitment to continue to pray for the people involved, I will be taking a week away from the blog to rest, seek God, join with others in prayer, and regroup.

In my absence, I’m leaving some sites I visit frequently. (Yes, I was a school teacher; these are sub plans.) The links are various daily devotionals from different denominations and perspectives. I have found gems on each site.

I don’t endorse everything on these sites, including the ads. Nor do I necessarily agree with everything I read in each entry. However, I believe that you, my readers, have discernment, Bible understanding, and wisdom sufficient to “have as much sense as an old cow—eat the hay and spit out the stubble.”

As it stands now, I plan to return to the blog in a week on Monday, August 25.
