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Help for finances

On this Labor Day week, I thought it would be fitting to talk about finances, the fruit of our labor.

In November of 2007, the Lord told me: The lifestyle to which many have grown accustomed will become greatly challenged. I shared this warning with a few close friends and sought God about how to be personally prepared. At the time, those with whom I shared had, for the most part, a “wait and see” attitude. I understood that stance—the Lord had spoken to me, not to them.

One person, however, more or less corrected me—he thought my statement indicated fear and a total lack of faith. I realized something as a result of that encounter. Not everyone will believe that you have heard from God—especially when it’s less than positive information. Did I write him off? Of course not. He’s my brother in Christ, loves the body of Christ, and has a zeal for souls. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you on an issue does not necessitate a cold shoulder or broken fellowship!

As I walked through the steps I believed God gave me to be prepared for the challenging times ahead, I shared what I was doing with different friends I trusted. Again, God speaks to each one’s heart. Just because someone tells you what they believe the Lord is showing them, that doesn’t mean you have to “buy” it. You need to seek God for yourself. I strongly believe that the Spirit of God is more than capable of making His wisdom known to each one who wants to hear. The Bible says it this way: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14).

This is especially true now in September of 2015. Don’t be led by other people’s revelation. Stay in the Word and listen to God for yourself.

A while back as I prayed for various friends and acquaintances who were experiencing serious financial difficulty, I felt that they were to take the specific Scripture(s) God would give them for income and employment. They were to use that Word to take their stand in prayer and confession over their finances. He said that those key verses would act like hammers, swords, and battering rams in the spiritual realm around them, and as they stood their ground, He would come through for them.

You, too, are to take those specific Scriptures which the Holy Spirit makes alive to you as your weapon. Then, with those Scriptures, you, also stand your ground on behalf of your finances. If you haven’t found a verse that fits your situation, I will be sharing a list of verses later this week from which I have drawn confidence and courage to trust God. Tomorrow I will share with you some of the things I went through while trusting God for secure employment after I stepped out in obedience to Him, leaving behind a good job to move to a city where I had nothing awaiting me.

Each one of us faces different circumstances; you may receive different Bible verses than your brother or sister; but all of us have the same Word of God from which to seek His personal and precise direction for our situations. Not only that, but each one of us also has the right to confidently trust Him to see us through every obstacle—from small bumps in the road to bottomless pits of despair!

Stand fast on the verses the Holy Spirit has given you. If you haven’t received those perfect verses yet, the adventure of discovering His leading is awaiting you—and will be well worth the effort!

If you currently enjoy secure finances, sow in prayer for those who don’t. God will hear from heaven and answer you on behalf of others. And by praying for them, you will store up for yourself all the prayer help you’ll ever need against the hour of your trouble!

God bless you richly,


Take my instruction and not silver, and knowledge rather than choicest gold. For wisdom is better than jewels; and all desirable things cannot compare with her. Proverbs 8:10-11