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Boast in your weaknesses

Anyone out there bummed about weaknesses, insults, distresses, difficulties…even persecution? Well, it just hit me! That means YOU are in a premier position for the power of God. How on earth??

The Lord reminded me that Paul the Apostle of old had TONS of weaknesses and difficulties, and he didn’t like any of them! He asked the Lord THREE times to lift some of this mess from him, and God responded, “My GRACE is sufficient for you, for POWER is PERFECTED in WEAKNESS” (2 Cor. 12:9a).

Then Paul wrote, “Most gladly, therefore, I will rather BOAST ABOUT MY WEAKNESSES so that the POWER OF CHRIST MAY DWELL IN ME” (2 Cor. 12:9b).

Here’s the scoop, then—to TRULY be able to make your boast in Christ, you HAVE experienced, ARE experiencing, and WILL experience various weaknesses, difficulties, insults, distresses…even persecution…in your determination to pursue, love, and obey Jesus fully—both publicly AND privately.

As you are facing various difficulties, you simply do what Paul did—you pull up into the grace of God, allow HIM to fight your battles, and BOAST in your weaknesses [but not in a self-pity sort of way—He’ll even help you with this].

If you’re like me, you’ve tried again and again to conquer your weaknesses and difficulties with your own strength, know-how, and willpower. But Paul lets us in on a sacred secret—holing up in the FAITHFUL GRACE OF GOD and TRUSTING HIS POWER to take over—is SUFFICIENT. God wasn’t lying when He said, “…power is perfected in weakness.”

He who has called you is Faithful, and He WILL bring it to pass (1 Thes. 5:24).

To sum things up—if you—as a believer in Jesus—have never been weak, then you really have NOTHING to boast about. It’s OK to be weak, for then God Himself can work, and He will get the glory.

In that, BOAST!


© 2024, Dorothy Frick